Bloom Printing Company

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Bloom Printing Company is an online fine art photo printing and photo print product business, which went offline and ceased operating in late 2022.

In its short time operating, Bloom gained considerable traction and clientele in both Canada and the United States.

We are selling the business assets, branding, and website, hoping someone can benefit from the work we've already put in on the front end.

Bloom started in 2019, borne from a genuine need for beautiful, simple-to-order prints in Eastern Canada and expanded to include local and handmade print products featuring beautiful Canadian materials and exceptional craftsmanship. 

Bloom offers the highest quality archival prints and products alongside personalised and engaged customer service. We want to help other professionals grow their businesses and simplify their print and packaging processes, as well as to encourage people to engage with their photographed memories in a tangible, wonderful and lasting way.